Search Results for: tami simon – Page 96

Tara Brach: Radical Acceptance

Tami Simon speaks with Tara Brach, an author, clinical psychologist, and founder and senior teacher of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, DC. She’s the author of the Sounds True audio learning program Radical Self-Acceptance: A Buddhist Guide to Freeing Yourself from Shame and Meditations for Emotional Healing. In this rebroadcast of one of the most popular and well-received Insights at the Edge interviews, Tami and Tara have a revealing discussion about what radical acceptance is and how we can use this practice in the face of difficult emotions. (56 minutes)

Presence Through Movement

Tami Simon speaks with Kim Eng, a counselor, spiritual teacher, and Eckhart Tolle’s life and teaching partner. Kim’s “Presence Through Movement” workshops focus on the integration of mind, body, and spirit. With Sounds True, she has created two Presence Through Movement DVD programs, as well as the audio programs Meditations for a New Earth and Resist Nothing. In this episode, Tami speaks with Kim about what Eckhart Tolle calls the pain-body—an accumulation of the pain and unresolved emotions of our past that can take on a life of its own—and how we can dissolve it through movement. She also spoke about discovering our inner aliveness, and how we can stay present through grief and loss. (51 minutes)

Intuition Travels on Love

Tami Simon speaks with Sharon Franquemont, an intuition expert who has taught individuals, couples, and organizations how to channel their intuitive gifts, and helped establish the first graduate program in intuition at John F. Kennedy University. With Sounds True, Sharon has created several audio programs, including You Already Know What to Do and Intuition: Your Electric Self. In this episode, Tami talks with Sharon about the nature of intuitive knowing and how it relates to the ground of being, why intuition is now being taken so seriously in the field of nursing, how to work with intuition when you’re suffering from an illness, and Sharon’s advice for cultivating radical intuition. (52 minutes)

Meditation as Loving Life

Tami Simon speaks with Lorin Roche, a renowned meditation teacher who teaches an approach called Instinctive Meditation. Lorin is the author of several popular books, including Meditation Made Easy and the forthcoming book The Radiance Sutras from Sounds True. He has also created the Sounds True audio learning program Meditation for Yoga Lovers. In this episode, Tami speaks with Lorin about the “posture” of welcoming all experience, ways that we can allow the body to teach the mind, and his radical understanding of desire, which plays a key part in his teaching on how we can create an individual approach to our spiritual practice. (68 minutes)

Putting Your Relationship First: Lessons from Your Bra...

In the second half of their conversation about Your Brain on Love, Tami Simon and Stan Tatkin explore how two nervous systems get along in relationship and what it might look like to fight well in times of conflict. Discover how either party can wave a flag of friendliness during a fight, core skills and attitudes to get out of any argument in five minutes or less, and the importance of making connections we can count on no matter what. (68 minutes)

Putting Your Relationship First: Lessons from Your Bra...

How do we make our closest relationships our top priority in life? What does the latest neuroscience tell us about how our minds affect the way we respond to challenges in relating to others? How can we improve our brains to improve our relationships? In part one of this dialogue between Tami Simon and psychotherapist and author Dr. Stan Tatkin, we explore these questions and more to help us shift out of conflict and into deeper connection. (61 minutes)
