Search Results for: tami simon – Page 98

The Power of Sacred Art

Tami Simon speaks with Ekabhumi, a poet, sacred artist, and teacher of classical tantric hatha yoga who teaches yoga asana at Yoga Tree Studios. With Sounds True, Ekabhumi has illustrated the new book by author Sally Kempton, Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga. In this episode, Tami speaks with Ekabhumi about his understanding of sacred art, how it can contribute to the energy of a living space, the ways yantras can be tools for changing consciousness, and how to relate to sacred art images in a way that respects their true power. (67 minutes)

Ekabhumi will be appearing at the Sounds True Wake Up Festival in August 2013, creating a yantra garden and other interactive art installations. Visit for more information.

The Self-Acceptance Project… a free online video...

Access the Self-Acceptance Project free of charge

Self-aggression, self-acceptance, self-love, and issues of self-worth can be challenging for contemporary spiritual practitioners, even for those who have meditated or engaged in psychotherapy for years. There are many ways we can be unkind to ourselves, often subtle and unconscious, which can affect the way we perceive and engage in our lives, especially in interpersonal and intimate relationship.

In this free, 12-week video event series, I invited 23 psychologists, psychotherapists, neuroscientists, and spiritual teachers to speak with my friend and longtime colleague, Tami Simon, to explore these areas and how we might move toward the creation of a certain kind of holding environment in which we can grow, heal, and transform together.

All episodes of the Self-Acceptance Project are now posted and can be accessed as video or audio downloads, or can be streamed at no cost from the comfort of your own home. We invite you to join us for this pioneering series and look forward to sharing our discoveries with you – and hearing what you have learned. It is our intention that you benefit deeply from this work and that it guide you along your own journey of love and awakening.

Episodes include

  • Developing Shame Resilience with Dr. Brené Brown
  • Waking Up from the Trance of Unworthiness with Dr. Tara Brach
  • Turning Towards Our Pain with Dr. Robert Augustus Masters
  • Begin Exactly Where You Are with Jeff Foster
  • Taking in the Good with Dr. Rick Hanson
  • The Human Capacity to Take Perspectives with Dr. Steven Hayes
  • What if There is Nothing Wrong with Raphael Cushnir
  • No Strangers in the Heart with Mark Nepo
  • Transforming Self-Criticism into Self-Compassion with Dr. Kelly McGonigal
  • Faith in Our Fundamental Worthiness with Sharon Salzberg
  • Developing a Wise Mind with Dr. Erin Olivo
  • Embodied Vulnerability and Non-Division with Bruce Tift
  • Perfect in Our Imperfection with Colin Tipping
  • Staying Loyal to One’s Self with Dr. Judith Blackstone
  • Compassion for the Self-Critic with Dr. Kristin Neff
  • Curiosity is the Key with Dr. Harville Hendrix
  • Kindness is the Means and End with Geneen Roth
  • Healing at the Level of the Subconscious Mind with Dr. Friedemann Schaub
  • Embracing all of Our Parts with Dr. Jay Earley
  • Understanding Empathy and Shame with Karla McLaren
  • Integrating the Shadow with Dr. Parker PalmerLetting Life Be in Charge with Cheri Huber


We Are Designed for Self-Healing

Tami Simon speaks with Janna Moll. Janna is a senior instructor for the Healing Touch Program and the founder of the Healing Heart Institute, and has been teaching internationally for more than 13 years. With Sounds True, Janna is the presenter for both The Healing Touch Home Study Course and the new video program Healing Touch for Beginners: Energy Practices for Self-Care. In this episode, Tami speaks with Janna about what makes a good Healing Touch practitioner, how we can use Healing Touch to locate and release stuck energy, a self-care technique for working with physical pain, and the role of the heart in Healing Touch. (49 minutes)

Multiple bottom lines

Throughout the years, we at Sounds True have developed a guiding philosophy that we call “multiple bottom lines.” Our dedication to this principle is embodied in our Mission Statement:

The mission of Sounds True is to find teachers and artists who serve as a gateway to spiritual awakening and to produce, publish, and distribute their work with beauty, intelligence, and integrity. We treat our authors, vendors, and partners in the same way we would want to be treated. We work flexibly and efficiently together to create a cooperative, loving environment that honors respectful authenticity and individual growth. We maintain a healthy level of profitability so that we are an independent and sustainable employee-owned organization.values

The three essential bottom lines for Sounds True are the integrity of our purpose, the well-being of our people, and the maintaining of healthy profits. All three of these priorities are important in the decisions we make as a company. It is our conviction that each of these bottom lines must be healthy for the company to prosper as a whole.

In this short video, Sounds True’s founder, Tami Simon, explains our commitment to “multiple bottom lines”:


Robert Augustus Masters: Emotional Intimacy, Part 2

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Robert Augustus Masters, an Integral psychotherapist, relationship expert, and spiritual teacher whose work emphasizes embodiment, emotional literacy, and the development of relational maturity. He is the author of 13 books including the new Sounds True book Emotional Intimacy, as well as the audio learning course Knowing Your Shadow. In the second part of their discussion, Tami speaks with Robert about the importance of mutual transparency in relationships, how we can engage in “connected catharsis,” the telltale signs that reveal when we are using spiritual bypassing to avoid emotional experience, and how we can start to identify and work with our own shadow material. (57 minutes)

Seane Corn: The Empowered and Empowering Yogini

Tami Simon speaks with Seane Corn, an internationally acclaimed yoga teacher who has been featured in nearly fifty different print and broadcast media. An active humanitarian and advocate for social change, she has conducted humanitarian work in India, Cambodia, and Africa. Seane has created many popular yoga training videos, and with Sounds True she has produced the audio program Detox Flow Yoga. In this episode, Tami speaks with Seane about the deeper dimensions of yoga practice, and Seane shares her extraordinary life story as an empowered and empowering yogini whose most important work takes place “off the mat.” (60 minutes)
