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The Science of Medical Intuition online course

Dear friends, join Caroline Myss and Dr. Norm Shealy on this in-depth training program in the science and art of medical intuition. Now offered in a totally online format, you can take the course from the comfort of your own home, on a timeline that works for you and your schedule.

Learn more about The Science of Medical Intuition online course.

America’s #1 Medical Intuitive and a Harvard-Trained Neurosurgeon Teach You Their Complete Curriculum on Medical Intuition

What is your intuition telling you about your health right now?

Are you sensing the influences within you that create your physical and spiritual well-being?

In the emerging field of energy medicine, ordinary people with no prior training are learning how to tap into the power of their own medical intuition to:

  • Perceive when and how people around us are affecting our bodies
  • Identify where toxic memories are residing within our cellular structures
  • Use the divine power of creation that holds the key to our physical, mental, and spiritual health

What You Will Receive:

  • 18 hours of audio sessions and three hours of recorded live video presentations, yours to download and keep
  • Ten in-depth training sessions with Caroline Myss and Norm Shealy
  • Written course materials to support your training

Explore Intuitive Self-Diagnosis and Healing with Two Pioneers in the Field

Caroline Myss is called America’s #1 medical intuitive because of her documented 93 percent accuracy rate in a scientific blind study conducted by Dr. Norm Shealy, a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon, graduate of Duke Medical School, and founder of the prestigious American Holistic Medical Association two decades ago.

One thing Caroline insists about her intuition: “This is not a gift. It’s a skill.”

In fact, since the 1980s, Caroline has given hundreds of workshops and seminars about intuitive development, teaching that you, too, are a receiver of energy who is full of data and information about your life, your spirit, your higher purpose, even your future. Now, teamed up with Dr. Shealy in a course originally presented at Holos University, Caroline teaches people to develop the ability to read, discern, and interpret their own energetic patterns so they can make wise and clear life decisions—and improve their health at every level. (In fact, The Science of Medical Intuition is the prerequisite course to all other medical intuition study at Holos University.)

Serious Training for Energetic Self-Healing

Caroline and Norm believe the most effective way to introduce people to their intuitive gifts is through personal instruction. That’s why they’ve created the Science of Medical Intuition online course.

With instruction divided into 10 lessons, this in-depth curriculum includes more than 18 hours of audio teaching, three hours of recorded live video presentations, and a wealth of written lessons that will teach you techniques, exercises, and insights for living as a powerfully intuitive and creative person, fully attuned to your health and your destiny. Accessing the 10 sequential lessons in an on-demand timeframe that best matches your needs and learning style, you will:

  • Discover the foundations of your intuitive skill
  • Learn to cooperate with (instead of resist) your intuitive feedback mechanism
  • Develop an intuitive rapport not just with your body, but with your entire life
  • Work with archetypes, imagery, and symbols—the language of the psyche
  • Use spiritual alchemy to engage your struggles as a source of transformation and wisdom


In Conversation: Pema Chödrön and Alice Walker

What happens when a beloved spiritual teacher and a brilliant author come together to talk about the most tender, compelling aspects of our human experience? The following exchange, excerpted from Pema Chödrön and Alice Walker in Conversation, offers some unexpected answers—and an introduction to the healing practice that has transformed both women’s hearts and lives.

Alice Walker: About four years ago I was having a very difficult time. I had lost someone I loved deeply and nothing seemed to help. Then a friend sent me a tape set by Pema Chödrön called Awakening Compassion. I stayed in the country and I listened to you, Pema ,every night for the next year. I studied lojong mind training, and I practicedtonglen. It was tonglen, the practice of taking in people’s pain and sending out whatever you have that is positive that helped me through this difficult passage.

I want to thank you so much and to ask you a question. In my experience suffering is perennial; there is always suffering. But does suffering really have a use? I used to think there was no use to it, but now I think that there is.

Pema Chödrön: Is there any use in suffering? I think the reason I am so taken by these teachings is that they are based on using suffering as good medicine. It’s as if there’s a moment of suffering that occurs over and over and over again in every human life. What usually happens in that moment is that it hardens us; it hardens the heart because we don’t want any more pain.

But the lojong teachings say we can take that very moment and flip it. The very thing that causes us to harden and our suffering to intensify can soften us and make us more decent and kinder people. That takes a lot of courage. This is a teaching for people who are willing to cultivate their courage.

What’s wonderful about it is that you have plenty of material to work with. If you’re waiting for only the high points to work with, you might give up, but there’s an endless succession of suffering.

Alice Walker: I was surprised how the heart literally responds to this practice. You can feel it responding physically. As you breathe in what is difficult to bear, there is initial resistance, which is the fear, the constriction. That’s the time when you really have to be brave. But if you keep going and doing the practice, the heart actually relaxes. That is quite amazing to feel.

Pema Chödrön: When we start out on a spiritual path, we often have ideals we think we’re supposed to live up to. We feel we’re supposed to be better than we are in some way. But with this practice you take yourself completely as you are. Then ironically, taking in pain—breathing it in for yourself and all others in the same boat as you are—heightens your awareness of exactly where you’re stuck. Instead of feeling you need some magic makeover so you can suddenly become some great person, there’s much more emotional honesty about where you’re stuck.

Alice Walker: I remember the day I really got it that we’re not connected as human beings because of our perfection, but because of our flaws. That was such a relief.

Pema Chödrön: Rumi wrote a poem called “Night Travelers.” It’s about how all the darkness of human beings is a shared thing from the beginning of time, and how understanding that opens up your heart and opens up your world. You begin to think bigger. Rather than depressing you, it makes you feel part of the whole.

Alice Walker: … Everybody is in that boat sooner or later, in one form or other. It’s good to feel that you’re not alone.

Pema Chödrön: I want to ask you about joy. It’s all very well to talk about breathing in the suffering and sending out relief and so forth, but did you find any joy coming out of this practice?

Alice Walker: Oh, yes! Even just not being so miserable. Part of the joyousness was knowing we have help. It was great to know that this wisdom is so old. That means people have had this pain for a long time; they’ve been dealing with it, and they had the foresight to leave these practices for us to use. I’m always supported by spirits and ancestors and people in my tribe, whomever they’ve been and however long ago they lived. So it was like having another tribe of people, of ancestors, come to the rescue with this wisdom that came through you and your way of teaching.

Pema Chödrön: I think the times are ripe for this kind of teaching.

Alice Walker: Oh, I think it’s just the right medicine for today. You know, the other really joyous thing is that I feel more open, I feel more openness toward people in my world. It’s what you have said about feeling more at home in your world. I think this is the result of going the distance in your own heart—really being disciplined about opening your heart as much as you can.


The miracle of autumn

To walk in the early morning on what appears as another ordinary Sunday, with the summer and the fall still in dialogue about who will take it from here. Looking up into the unfolding sky, it is so clear that I know nothing at all, that I have no idea what the beloved wants of me, until she whispers it through the birds, through the falling leaves, through the orangeness of orange, the yellowness of yellow, and through this body as it feels the shakiness of being wildly alive.

Each arising moment, more revelation as to how little I actually know, other than this erupting now moment and this tender heart, raw and unprotected from love and its sweet and fierce activity. I really hope to make it all the way through this day, and to be in awe at what might be shown tomorrow. But if not, for now I am left only with an unexplainable, erupting gratitude to have been shown even a tiny sliver of love. I have been given so much.

It is early morning in the mountains – and fall is arriving. Something new is asking to be met, to be allowed, to be held in and as luminous awareness. Whatever form arises into translucent consciousness is revealed to be none other than that consciousness itself. It is breathtaking, really, to watch as love emerges as this sensual world, as these feelings, as these colors, all laid out as one harvest feast of grace for lover and beloved and their union.

To be here in this special world is the only miracle. We’ve been given everything we need: a beating heart to feel so much, arms to reach out and hold another close, words to speak kindness, and eyes to gaze sweetly into the depths of our lovers. Behold the grace-harvest that is this life, and the endless bounty of love as it emerges out of the unknown and takes shape as the miracle of autumn.


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction – now offered...

Dear friends, we are honored and excited to bring you the first ever Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program delivered in a fully online format. Now you enjoy and benefit from the very same curriculum that has been offered in-person in the comfort of your own home, in a self-paced, interactive training program.

In 1979, Jon Kabat-Zinn founded the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts to bring a form of meditation known as mindfulness into the medical mainstream. Mindfulness is a basic human quality, a way of learning to pay attention to whatever is happening in your life that allows you a greater sense of connection to your life inwardly and outwardly. Mindfulness is also a practice, a systematic method aimed at cultivating clarity, insight, and understanding. In the context of your health, mindfulness is a way for you to experientially learn to take better care of yourself by exploring and understanding the interplay of mind and body and mobilizing your own inner resources for coping, growing, and healing.

Nearly three decades of scientific research at medical centers all over the world suggest that training in mindfulness and MBSR can positively and often profoundly affect participants’ ability to reduce medical symptoms and psychological distress while learning to live life more fully.

Since its inception, more than 20,000 people have completed the MBSR training program. They have been referred by more than 5,000 physicians, by hundreds of other health care professionals, and through self-referral. These participants have been strongly motivated to do something for themselves—something no one else can do for them—by learning to draw upon their inner resources and natural capacity for greater health as well as balance, ease, and peace of mind.

The MBSR Online Course is the only complete online training in MBSR and follows the same, well-respected method taught at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. This eight-week course offers the curriculum and methodology developed by Jon-Kabat Zinn and is taught by Center for Mindfulness director Dr. Saki Santorelli, and senior instructor Florence Meleo-Meyer.

The Reality of Co-Creation with Caroline Myss

Co-creation is a reality, but you have to understand what heaven means by reality. It is not a dynamic that serves our personality-it’s a dynamic that serves the soul. And if you were to understand that your soul and your personality generally make two different choices it would be easier to understand the unfolding of the dynamics of your life because they unfold according to the needs of your spirit and not the wants of your personality.

What if you were truly capable of releasing what you want to see happen in your life? Could you do that? Could you live a life where you created a million things and did it anonymously? Because that’s what it means to surrender, and be a partner in co-creation.

The liberation here is that no matter what the gods ask you to do, that ferocious ego that judges what is powerful and what isn’t—what is a big choice, what is a little choice—finally, you’ve silenced that voice. You enter into that profound state of grace that says, “I don’t know why you want me to do this, and quite frankly, I’m at a level of my life where I don’t have to know.” You say to Spirit, “I give you my will. I can’t figure life out anymore. It’s too big a mystery. I’d rather live life than figure it out.” I might suggest this is a better way to go.

– Excerpted from Advanced Energy Anatomy: The Science of Co-Creation and Your Power of Choice, by Caroline Myss


Honoring an Irreducible Truth in Ferguson

During this morning’s run, I was talking with my friend about the fear and frustration we’d both been feeling about Ferguson, Missouri, among other places. What can we do? we asked each other. If it came down to it, would we be able to stand against the so-called authorities armed with tear gas, guns, and hoses?

I told my friend about the only time I’d come close to anything like it. The KKK was marching in a little town a few miles east of my college campus, and a small group of us organized ourselves in protest. We brought in advisors to teach us how to remain calm in crisis. We knew our history; we’d seen the footage; we were afraid. We also knew that remaining silent wasn’t an option. We boarded the bus in silence, and when we got there, we linked arms and lined the street peacefully, waiting for the hate group to come streaming up the road. It was summer then, but I remember feeling a chill that raised gooseflesh on my arms.

A few minutes later a pathetic bunch of ragtag malcontents rounded the corner—the odd skinhead here, old grizzled men there, and bored teen goths sprinkled in—all spewing the tired epithets we’d heard before: “____ go home… .”

After our protest, we boarded the bus and headed back toward campus.

Once returned to the relative safety of familiar surroundings, we’d talk about how sad the hate group looked. Their outfits didn’t even match! we’d laugh. They weren’t even marching in step together! Weren’t they supposed to be organized better than that?

But this morning, we weren’t laughing.

Every time events like these erupt, I wonder what there is to do about it. Up to this point, I’ve signed petitions, I’ve written essays and articles, made calls, protested, volunteered, minded my business, went back to bed, wrung my hands, paced the floors, pumped my fists, prayed, held loved ones close, fundraised, danced, run, sung, and sweated for the cause. I’ve cried, fretted, and did it all again. And I’ll keep on doing it.

I recently turned to a memorial delivered by Dr. Howard Thurman in the aftermath of Dr. King’s murder. I was searching for words to articulate the frustration, pain and loss of another senseless killing and the ongoing struggle for equality and peace for so many in America. The Living Wisdom of Howard Thurman remains painfully, powerfully, resonant today:

Tonight there is a vast temptation to strike out in pain, horror, and anger. Riding just under the surface, all the pent up fury, the accumulation of a generation’s cruelty and brutality. A way must be found to honor our feeling without dishonoring him whose sudden and meaningless end has called him forth. May we harness the energy of our bitterness and make it available to the unfinished work which Martin has left behind. It may be—it just may be—that what he was unable to bring to pass in his life, can be achieved by the act of his dying. For this there is eloquent precedence in human history. He was killed in one sense because mankind is not human yet. May he live because all of us in America are closer to becoming human than we ever were before.

I wish I could tell you of the tremendous love and worry I feel for my brothers, for my beautiful nephews, especially, and for the precious children of my friends.

Today, I’m open to new ideas—to whatever helps me keep my heart open, my love alive. It’s an imperative for me because I am the beneficiary of an irreducible truth, which is this: love is all there is.

