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Remembering Our Wholeness

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Wayne Muller, author of the national bestseller Legacy of the Heart: The Spiritual Advantages of a Painful Childhood as well as How, Then, Shall We Live? and A Life of Being, Having, and Doing Enough. In this episode, Wayne speaks about how the experience of being enough is born in relationship and through the power of reaching out to people who feel isolated. He also talks about how we can see painful childhood events as opportunities to develop unique and special capacities. Wayne and Tami also discuss making time in our lives to relax into “enoughness” and the importance of not letting ourselves be swept away by the busyness of the culture. (56 minutes)

The Secret Sound

Tami Simon speaks with Silvia Nakkach, an award-winning composer, author, and musician. She is the founding director of the Vox Mundi school, an international project devoted to teaching and preserving indigenous musical traditions. With Sounds True, Silvia has published the book Free Your Voice: Awaken Your Life Through Singing and her latest music album, Medicine Melodies. In this episode, Tami speaks with Silvia about the spiritual dimension from which music emerges, the difference between finding your voice and freeing your voice, and simple ways we can begin to free our own natural voice. Silvia also shares three different tracks from Medicine Melodies. (69 minutes)

John Welwood: Healing the Core Wound of the Heart

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. John Welwood, a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and practicing student of Buddhism and Eastern contemplative psychology. Dr. Welwood is an author whose books include Journey of the Heart and Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships, and with Sounds True he has created the audio learning program Conscious Relationships. In this episode, Tami speaks with Dr. Welwood about his understanding of the relationship between psychological work and the spiritual journey, as well as his view of the phenomenon of “spiritual bypassing.” He also spoke about committed relationships and the most common issue that couples present in couples therapy. (61 minutes)

Letters from the Infinite

Tami Simon speaks with Reverend Deborah Johnson, the founder and president of Inner Light Ministries, an omnifaith spiritual community of more than 1,500 people in northern California. Rev. Deborah is a tireless voice for compassion, equality, coalition building, and forward-thinking public policy. With Sounds True, she has authored two volumes of the Letters from the Infinite series, titled The Sacred Yes and Your Deepest Intent. In this episode, Tami speaks with Deborah about the extraordinary “divine download” that resulted in her two books, how we can purify our intent, the importance of sincerity in spiritual unfolding, and how we might each receive our own letters from the infinite. (60 minutes)

Reginald A. Ray: The Awakened State

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Reginald A. Ray, gifted teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for 40 years in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Reggie is the founder of Dharma Ocean and author of the book Touching Enlightenment. His most recent program with Sounds True is a historic 37-hour audio training course on the pinnacle teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, titled Mahamudra for the Modern World. In this episode, Tami speaks with Reggie about the possibility of using modern methods for capturing the essence of student-to-teacher transmission, how glimpsing the awakened state fits in with Mahamudra training, and the “three teachers”—a human teacher, the natural state, and life itself. (65 minutes)

Being Music

Tami Simon speaks with Christine Stevens, the director of the music and wellness program at Remo Drum Company and the founder of UpBeat Drum Circles, which has brought music therapy to businesses, communities, and individuals around the world. With Sounds True, Christine created the home study course The Healing Drum Kit, and has written a new book called Music Medicine: The Science and Spirit of Healing Yourself with Sound. In this episode, Tami speaks with Christine about the healing properties of each of the four elements of music: rhythm, melody, harmony, and silence. Christine also explored how much we can gain by shifting from being consumers to creators of music. (50 minutes)

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