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Living Yoga

Tami Simon speaks with Richard Freeman, an author, teacher, and founder of The Yoga Workshop in Boulder, Colorado, which is also the location of Sounds True’s studio. His background includes Sufism, Zen, and vipassana Buddhist practices. He’s also a practitioner of bhakti, hatha, and Iyengar yoga, and is an internationally respected instructor of ashtanga yoga. Richard is the author of The Mirror of Yoga, and has created many audio learning programs with Sounds True, including The Yoga Matrix, Yoga Breathing, Yoga Chants, and the DVD series The Ashtanga Yoga Collection. Richard speaks about the paradox of self-reference, the discovery and breaking down of samskaras, and how yoga unites the opposing patterns in the body. (54 minutes)

Tara Brach: True Refuge

Tami Simon speaks with Tara Brach, an author, clinical psychologist, and the founder and senior teacher of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington. She’s the author of the Sounds True audio learning programs Radical Self-Acceptance and Meditations for Emotional Healing. She’s also the creator of a new, nine-week online course called Meditation and Psychotherapy beginning February 18 at, which includes three live sessions with Tara Brach where she will answer participants’ questions. (54 minutes)

Yoga Nidra—The Sleep Yoga

Tami Simon speaks with Richard Miller, a master of yoga and meditation who holds a doctorate in clinical psychology. He is recognized as a leading authority on the practice of yoga nidra, and is currently teaching iRest, a healing technique he developed based on deep relaxation and meditative inquiry. Richard has worked with Sounds True to create an integrated book-and-audio learning program called Yoga Nidra. Richard discusses the stages of yoga nidra, how the practice is a path to realization and self-inquiry, the nature of paradoxical sleep, and his ongoing work with soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder through the practice of yoga nidra. (61 minutes)

Matthieu Ricard: Happiness Is a Skill

Tami Simon speaks with Matthieu Ricard, an author and photographer who earned a PhD in cell genetics. He is also a Buddhist monk who has served as the Dalai Lama’s French interpreter since 1989. Matthieu has written several books, including The Monk and the Philosopher, The Quantum and the Lotus, as well as The Art of Meditation. With Sounds True, he has released an audio learning program based on his book Happiness. Matthieu speaks about the skill of happiness, as well as the conditions for happiness. He also discusses the physical and psychological effects of meditation, along with the ways to track the progress you make in your spiritual practice. (37 minutes)

Meditation and Kundalini Awakening, Part Two

Tami Simon speaks with Sally Kempton, a meditation teacher who has immersed herself in the world of meditation for over four decades and has earned a reputation as a highly experienced, gifted, and insightful meditation teacher. Sounds True will be releasing Sally Kempton’s new book Meditation for the Love of It, and the audio program Beginning Meditation. In the second part of this two-part episode, Sally discusses “having a love affair” with meditation, what it means for meditation to be one’s beloved, and kundalini awakening. (48 minutes)

Meditation and Kundalini Awakening, Part One

Tami Simon speaks with Sally Kempton, a meditation teacher who has immersed herself in the world of meditation for over four decades and has earned a reputation as a highly experienced, gifted, and insightful meditation teacher. Sounds True will be releasing Sally Kempton’s new book Meditation for the Love of It, and the audio program Beginning Meditation. In part one of this two-part episode, Sally discusses her understanding of the grace-based tradition in which she teaches, the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism, and the role of the guru. (48 minutes)

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