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Choosing Health

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Mark Hyman, a leading authority on the integration of conventional and alternative medicine. Dr. Hyman is the medical editor at The Huffington Post, serves on the advisory board of The Dr. Oz Show, and is the author of four New York Times bestsellers, including The UltraMind Solution. With Sounds True, he has created The Detox Box and the audio program UltraCalm. In this episode, Tami speaks with Mark about why so many people are discovering that they are allergic to gluten and dairy, how we can make healthy choices so our home and workplace can be “safe zones,” and why we must seek collective solutions and social support for the changes we need to make in our lives. (55 minutes)

Matrix Energetics and the Field of the Heart

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Richard Bartlett. Dr. Bartlett, who holds a doctorate in chiropractic and naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University, is the creator of a paradigm-challenging technology of consciousness he calls Matrix Energetics. He is the author of several books, and with Sounds True he has created the home study course The Matrix Energetics Experience. In this episode, Tami speaks with Richard about the role of intention, the relationship between torsion field physics and the field of the heart, and how it is through play that we eventually discover our unlimited potential. He also shares an example of the Two-Point practice, a foundational tool in Matrix Energetics. (66 minutes)

Mirabai Starr: Naked with the Beloved

Tami Simon speaks with Mirabai Starr, author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and the inspiring translation of Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross. With Sounds True, she has created a series of books highlighting many famous mystical figures including Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint John of the Cross, and Saint Teresa of Avila. In this episode, Tami speaks with Mirabai about interspirituality (practicing within many faith traditions simultaneously), the connection between grief and longing, the dark night of the soul in the modern world, and the experience of “being naked with the beloved, unknowing.” (61 minutes)

Andrew Harvey: The Love of Divine Rebels

Tami Simon speaks with Andrew Harvey, a poet, writer, teacher, and mystic. Andrew is the founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism, and is the author and editor of many books, including The Direct Path and Son of Man. He has created several audio programs with Sounds True, including the 13-part audio series with Caroline Myss called Divine Rebels: Saints, Mystics, Holy Change Agents—and You. In this episode, Tami speaks with Andrew about why we need both the fire of devotional practices as well as the coolness of contemplation, how there are actually two dark nights of the soul on the spiritual journey, the importance of shadow work, and what is “the whole mystical truth.” (72 minutes)

Judith Blackstone: Embodiment and Spiritual Sensitivit...

Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Judith Blackstone, an innovative teacher in the fields of psychotherapy and contemporary spirituality. With Sounds True, Judith has created the audio course The Realization Process: A Step-by-Step Guide to Embodied Spiritual Awakening and has authored the books The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others and Belonging Here: A Guide for the Spiritually Sensitive Person. In this episode, Tami speaks with Judith about the gifts and challenges of spiritual sensitivity, what it means to be transparent to life, how getting in touch with the internal space of the body connects us to the outer world, and what a definition of spiritual maturity might be. (63 minutes)

The Power of Emotional Connection

Tami Simon speaks with Raphael Cushnir, a leading voice on emotional connection and present moment awareness. He is a faculty member of the Esalen Institute, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. His books include Setting Your Heart on Fire, and with Sounds True he has created an audio based on his book The One Thing Holding You Back. In this episode, Tami speaks with Raphael about the nature of emotional connection, what he calls “emotional surfing,” and a way that two people can intimately collaborate through a method that he calls communing. Raphael also shares a practice to deepen the emotional connection process. (69 minutes)

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