Category: Mindfulness

Like a Tree

Tami Simon speaks with Jean Shinoda Bolen, an author, Jungian analyst, and clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. In her writing, Jean draws from spiritual, feminist, Jungian, medical, and personal wellsprings of experience. She is the author of Goddesses in Every Woman, The Tao of Psychology, and her latest audio book from Sounds True, Like a Tree. In this heartfelt and inspiring conversation, Tami speaks with Jean about our sacred relationship with trees and the wisdom they have to offer, what it might mean to “circumambulate the self,” and how we can discover our “assignment” in the world. (64 minutes)

The True Nature of Mindfulness

Tami Simon speaks with Joseph Goldstein, who is the cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, and has been teaching insight and lovingkindness meditation worldwide since 1974. He is the coauthor of the Sounds True audio learning course Insight Meditation (with Sharon Salzberg), and has recently released the third volume of his landmark audio course of advanced teachings and practical guidance on the Satipatthāna Sutta, Abiding in Mindfulness. In this episode, Tami speaks with Joseph about his study of the Satipatthāna Sutta as the Buddha’s central teaching of mindfulness meditation, the evolution of his own practice over the past four decades, and what it might mean to live without any sense of there being an “I” or a “me.” (60 minutes)

Financial Healing

Tami Simon speaks with Spencer Sherman, a graduate of the Wharton School, who was named one of the top wealth advisors in the US, and is a cofounder of Abacus Wealth Partners. Spencer’s expertise in finance has landed him appearances on CNN and CNBC, and in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. He’s the author of the book The Cure for Money Madness, and is currently working with Sounds True on The Money and Spirit Online Workshop, an online workshop designed for integrating our spiritual and financial lives. Spencer speaks about taking back our own financial wisdom, the importance of understanding childhood messages about money, and whether it’s really best to rent or buy a home. He also shows us the practice that he calls the “money breath.” (49 minutes)

Waking Up With Money

Tami Simon speaks with Brent Kessel, a certified financial planner who is named one of the top wealth advisors in the United States. Along with his teaching partner, Spencer Sherman, he founded Abacus Wealth Partners. Brent’s knowledge in the financial field has warranted appearances in the New York Times, Yoga Journal, and on CBS and ABC News. He’s the author of It’s Not About the Money one of Kipplinger’s top five business books of the year. He is currently working in collaboration with Spencer Sherman and Sounds True on The Money and Spirit Workshop, an online workshop as well as a home study course. Brent speaks about the role of the unconscious mind when it comes to money, a system of archetypes he calls “The Eight Financial Archetypes.” (55 minutes)

Tara Brach: True Refuge

Tami Simon speaks with Tara Brach, an author, clinical psychologist, and the founder and senior teacher of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington. She’s the author of the Sounds True audio learning programs Radical Self-Acceptance and Meditations for Emotional Healing. She’s also the creator of a new, nine-week online course called Meditation and Psychotherapy beginning February 18 at, which includes three live sessions with Tara Brach where she will answer participants’ questions. (54 minutes)

Matthieu Ricard: Happiness Is a Skill

Tami Simon speaks with Matthieu Ricard, an author and photographer who earned a PhD in cell genetics. He is also a Buddhist monk who has served as the Dalai Lama’s French interpreter since 1989. Matthieu has written several books, including The Monk and the Philosopher, The Quantum and the Lotus, as well as The Art of Meditation. With Sounds True, he has released an audio learning program based on his book Happiness. Matthieu speaks about the skill of happiness, as well as the conditions for happiness. He also discusses the physical and psychological effects of meditation, along with the ways to track the progress you make in your spiritual practice. (37 minutes)
