October New Releases and Giveaway

October 23, 2017




Raising Resilience by Christopher Willard, PSYD

In every spiritual tradition, we find teachings on the virtues and qualities that we most want to pass on to our kids—such as generosity, kindness, honesty, determination, and patience. Today, a growing body of research from neuroscience and social psychology supports these teachings, offering insights into cultivating these virtues in ourselves and in our families. Raising Resilience is a practical guide for parents and educators of children from preschool through adolescence, detailing ten universal principles for happy families and thriving children.




It’s Ok That You’re Not OK by Megan Devine

In It’s OK That You’re Not OK, Megan Devine offers a profound new approach to both the experience of grief and the way we try to help others who have endured tragedy. Having experienced grief from both sides—as both a therapist and as a woman who witnessed the accidental drowning of her beloved partner—Megan writes with deep insight about the unspoken truths of loss, love, and healing. She debunks the culturally prescribed goal of returning to a normal, “happy” life, replacing it with a far healthier middle path, one that invites us to build a life alongside grief rather than seeking to overcome it.




The Complete Peaceful Warrior’s Way by Dan Millman

For millions of readers, Dan Millman’s Way of the Peaceful Warrior has ignited life-changing shifts. And in the decades since he wrote this iconic book, his work continues to evolve. In this in-depth audio learning program, Dan shares the full scope of his insights and tools for those seeking practical wisdom leading to a peaceful heart and warrior’s spirit.

How to Consciously Live the Peaceful Warrior’s Way—a Spiritual Path in the Modern World.





Looking for some eye and ear inspiration?


WIN OUR NEW RELEASE BUNDLE: The Complete Peaceful Warrior’s Way, It’s Ok That You’re Not OKRaising Resilience

TO ENTER: Simply reply in the comments with why you’d like to win! We’ll select two winners by 10/31.

Author Info for Sounds True Coming Soon

Also By Author

Six Summer Reads You Won’t Want to Miss!

After the stillness of winter and the slow waking of spring, summer is a time for getting up, getting out, and getting our hands on what inspires us the most. Here are some recent Sounds True releases for tapping into a life well lived.

1. The Biophilia Effect – Clemens G. Arvay 

Summer Super Sale - The Biophilia Effect

This is a book that celebrates our interconnection with nature and shows how to deeply engage the natural world wherever you live to dramatically improve your health. Clemens G. Arvay presents fascinating research, practical tools and activities,

inspiring stories, and more in this accessible guide to the remarkable benefits of being in nature.

Get it here: https://www.soundstrue.com/store/the-biophilia-effect.html





2. The Healing Code of Nature – Clemens G. Arvay

The Healing Code of Nature - Clemens G. Arvay

Human beings are inseparable from the natural world, coevolving with all of life. In order to thrive, we need to nourish this bond. In his latest book, biologist Clemens G. Arvay illuminates the miraculous ways that the human body interprets the living “code” of plants, animals, and our larger natural habitat for healing and sustenance.

Get it here: https://www.soundstrue.com/store/the-healing-code-of-nature.html






3. Book of Beasties – Sarah Seidelman

Summer Super Sale - Book of Beasties

From an ancient perspective, everything—including all natural things, like rocks, flowers, trees, insects, birds, and mammals

—is alive and infused with conscious energy or spirit,” writes Sarah Seidelmann. If you’re one of the many people looking to reconnect with the creativity, wisdom, and vital energy of the natural world, here is a fantastic guide for tapping into the power of animal totems, or “beasties.”

Get it here: https://www.soundstrue.com/store/book-of-beasties.html




4. No Recipe – Edward Espe Brown

Summer Super Sale - No RecipeMaking your love manifest, transforming your spirit, good heart, and able hands into food is a great undertaking,” writes renowned chef and Zen priest Edward Espe Brown, “one that will nourish you in the doing, in the offering, and in the eating.” With No Recipe: Cooking as Spiritual Practice, Brown beautifully blends expert cooking advice with thoughtful reflections on meaning, joy, and life itself.

Get it here: https://www.soundstrue.com/store/no-recipe.html





5. Yoga Friends – Mariam Gates & Rolf Gates 

Summer Super Sale - Yoga FriendsFrom the creators of Good Night Yoga and Good Morning Yoga comes a beautifully illustrated city adventure that introduces children to the delights and benefits of partner yoga.

Perfect for teaming up with a friend, sibling, parent, or caregiver, each easy practice shows how cooperation helps us to imagine, move, and have fun in a whole new way.

Includes a back-page guide for parents and caregivers, showing how to do each pose and how to connect them into an easy-to-follow flow.

Get it here: https://www.soundstrue.com/store/yoga-friends.html


6. Happier Now – Nataly Kogan

Summer Super Sale - Happier Now

What if you could be happier, right now, without radically changing your life? As nationally recognized happiness expert Nataly Kogan teaches, happiness is not a nice feeling or a frivolous extra. It’s a critical, non-negotiable ingredient for living a fulfilling, meaningful, and healthy life—and it’s a skill that we can all learn and improve through practice. In Happier Now, Nataly shares an illuminating, inspiring, and science-based guide to help you build your happier skills and live with more joy, starting now.

Get it here: https://www.soundstrue.com/store/happier-now.html






Have other books you’ve read by the poolside or under a shade tree ended up changing the way you see the world? Tell us about those summer reads that ended up being more than you expected!


Singing Bowl Meditation Sounds True Spotify Playlist

Sounds True is on Spotify!

Need some tunes for rest and relaxation? Check out our Singing Bowl Meditation Playlist! A variety of artists who make a soothing mix of infinite rhythms using Tibetan singing bowls. Perfect throughout a meditative practice.


November New Releases and Giveaway




The Integrity Advantage by Kelly Kosow

Are you ready to open up to new levels of self-trust and self-love, to get where you want to go?

You vowed to speak up at work, and then sat silent in the meeting yet again.

You told yourself “this time the diet is going to stick,” only to watch the scale inching up.

You felt that something just wasn’t right about someone that—until you learned the hard way that your instincts were right.

“Every time you bite your tongue,” teaches Kelley Kosow, “you swallow your integrity.”

Before Kelley Kosow was a renowned life coach and CEO, she constantly second-guessed herself, let her “to-do” lists and others steer her dreams and passions, and played it “small and safe.”

Inspired by the groundbreaking principles of her renowned mentor Debbie Ford, who hand-picked Kelley to be her successor, The Integrity Advantage is Kelley’s step-by-step guide for facing the fear, shame, and false beliefs that cause us to lose our way.

Through life-changing insights, true stories, and proven strategies, this book will show you how to live on your own terms—according to you—from the inside out.


Daring to Rest by Karen Brody

As modern women, we’re taught that we can do it all, have it all, and be it all. While this freedom is beautiful, it’s also exhausting. Being a “worn-out woman” is now so common that we think feeling tired all the time is normal. According to Karen Brody, feeling this exhausted is not normal—and it’s holding us back. In Daring to Rest, Brody comes to the rescue with a 40-day program to help you reclaim rest and access your most powerful, authentic self through yoga nidra, a meditative practice that guides you into one of the deepest states of relaxation imaginable.

It’s time to lie down and begin the journey to waking up





Breathe and Be by Anna Emilia Laitinen and Kate Coombs

Teaching mindfulness helps kids learn to stay calm, regulate their emotions, and appreciate the world around them. With Breathe and Be, author Kate Coombs and illustrator Anna Emilia Laitinen team up to present a book of poetry and art for young readers to make mindfulness easy, natural, and beautiful. Here is a book sure to delight parents and kids alike, blending lovingly illustrated nature imagery with elegant verse about living with awareness and inner peace.





Leopard Warrior by John Lockley

A Teaching Memoir That Crosses the Barriers Between Worlds

A shaman is one who has learned to move between two worlds: our physical reality and the realm of spirits. For John Lockley, shamanic training also meant learning to cross the immense divide of race and culture in South Africa.

As a medic drafted into the South African military in 1990, John Lockley had a powerful dream. “Even though I am a white man of Irish and English descent, I knew in my bones that I had received my calling to become a sangoma, a traditional South African shaman,” John writes. “I felt blessed by the ancient spirit of Africa, and I knew that I had started on a journey filled with magic and danger.” His path took him from the hills of South Korea, where he trained as a student under Zen Master Su Bong, to the rural African landscape of the Eastern Cape and the world of the sangoma mystic healers, where he found his teacher in the medicine woman called MaMngwev



Things That Join the Sea and the Sky by Mark Nepo

A Reader for Navigating the Depths of Our Lives

The Universe holds us and tosses us about, only to hold us again. With Things That Join the Sea and the Sky, Mark Nepo brings us a compelling treasury of short prose reflections to turn to when struggling to keep our heads above water, and to breathe into all of our sorrows and joys.

Inspired by his own journal writing across 15 years, this book shares with us some of Mark’s most personal work. Many passages arise from accounts of his own life events—moments of “sinking and being lifted”—and the insights they yielded. Through these passages, we’re encouraged to navigate our own currents of sea and sky, and to discover something fundamental yet elusive: How, simply, to be here.

To be enjoyed in many ways—individually, by topic, or as an unfolding sequence—Things That Join the Sea and the Sky presents 145 contemplations gathered into 17 themes, each intended to illuminate specific situations.



                NOVEMBER GIVEAWAY


WIN OUR NEW RELEASE BUNDLE:The Integrity Advantage, Daring to Rest, Breathe and Be, Leopard Warrior, and Things That Join the Sea and the Sky

TO ENTER: Simply reply in the comments with why you’d like to win!

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Mirabai Starr: Your Life Is Holy Ground

To the mystic, every moment is sacred—and every step is taken on holy ground. Mirabai Starr, the celebrated author, religious scholar, and “translator of the mystics,” has devoted herself to sharing the insights of beloved figures including Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross, Hildegard of Bingen, and others. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Mirabai Starr about her new book, Ordinary Mysticism, and how we can each open ourselves to the direct experience of divine union—and become agents of change for our troubled world. 

Listen now to this inspiring discussion of: spiritual transmission and communicating mystical realization to others; the power of ritual; setting yourself up for “an encounter with the beloved”; the willingness not to know; collaborating with your muses; Natalie Goldberg’s writing practice methodology; a commitment to beauty; mystical seeing; four gateways to the sacred; freeing yourself from the brain’s default mode network; how meditation expands your capacity for awe; tending the seeds of wisdom; interspirituality; avoiding cultural appropriation; grief as a gateway to the sacred, and letting the darkness have its way; the dark night of the soul; the paradox of “surrendering and showing up”; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at join.soundstrue.com.

Lee Holden: Go Slow. Enter Flow.

The counterintuitive approach to life that Lee Holden calls the Slow Method has an immediate power to decrease your stress levels, boost your energy, and improve your overall health and well-being in remarkable, seemingly miraculous ways. But why is it so hard for us to slow down, even when we understand intellectually how ineffective and miserable it is to live at warp speed? 

In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with the internationally celebrated Qi Gong master and author about his new book, Ready, Set, Slow. Give yourself “the gift of slow” and tune in for this illuminating conversation about: the link between slow and flow; becoming more receptive to the energy that’s all around you; a brief history of Qi Gong and tai chi; a simple awareness practice—“Where am I?”; the coherence of energy and mind that defines the flow state; prioritizing “bliss over busy”; active relaxation; shifting out of stress and into the open space of the heart; how compassion, gratitude, and appreciation help heal the nervous system; mindfulness and an embodied experience of the present moment; liberating ourselves from our conditioning around survival; accessing the inner treasures of your energy system; applying the Slow Method when enjoying a morning beverage, at mealtimes, and in other situations where we tend to be on autopilot; finding your personal motivation for slowing down; breathwork; slow relationships; the Microcosmic Orbit practice; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at join.soundstrue.com.

Cortland Dahl, PhD: The Energizing Force of Compassion

Imagine how our world would change if all of our actions were rooted in love and compassion. Is that even possible? In this podcast, Tami Simon sits down with Dr. Cortland Dahl, the renowned Buddhist scholar, translator, scientist, researcher, and author of several books including his newest, A Meditator’s Guide to Buddhism, to discuss how compassion can become the energizing force that motivates you and inspires you each and every day.

Listen now for their insights on attuning to the intelligence of your heart; a neuroscientific approach to healing anxiety; the exciting research and new modalities emerging from the study of contemplative practice; how quickly we can begin to enjoy the profound benefits of meditation; the four pillars of a healthy mind: awareness, connection, insight, and purpose; appreciation and noticing the positive; living life in a meditative way; bringing your innate compassion up to the surface of conscious experience; doing the dishes as an act of love—how every action can become a gift; generosity, the inner richness that can never be exhausted; how empathy and compassion activate the brain’s “care network”; compassion in relationships; the universal longing for meaning and purpose; transformative pain, and why physical discomfort does not equal suffering; dealing with uncertainty; unlocking the insights of our emotions and finding the beauty in difficult experiences; a pith instruction: look at your mind; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at join.soundstrue.com.

  • Sue Svensen says:

    I would like to win these new books so that I can develop some resilience and kindness to myself and others and I would share these books with my friends.

  • Jen McCandless says:

    I’d love to win since these books look like wonderful worlds to take in and learn!

  • Sarah Wheelan says:

    I’d like to win because I’d like to read all three!

  • Aubrey Arneson says:

    I am on a journey of self acceptance and self discovery. A journey that will allow me to love myself and in turn live others in a healthy and balanced way. This bundle; would be an amazing addition to this season of my life.

  • carynauriel says:

    I would like to win these books because during this financial and physical hardship I am experiencing at this time it would be a great answer to prayer do you have tools to help me learn to be OK to feel feelings, be vulnerable and courageous, as well as learning how to grieve my old ideas and create a new life.

  • Ashley says:

    I would love to win these because I am a work in progress & always striving to learn more.

  • Sarka Ugur says:

    All the titles speak to me. Within the last month I lost my grandma and my husband his dad. Finding peace and getting through these times knowing all is ok is my dream now.

  • Natalie says:

    I would love to win, the grief book speaks to me as I’m pregnant with my second child. While pregnant with my first I was heavily grieving the loss of my Mother, and I appreciate the idea of finding a middle ground instead of trying to return to a normal “happy” life.

  • John says:

    I would like to win because as a student in spiritual care and psychotherapy I am always looking to stay on top of great resources so that I can bring these ideas into assisting others in their own spiritual journey and healing physical, psychologically and spiritually!

  • Shawnett DePasquale says:

    I am a psychiatric nurse working in a crisis clinic. Winning these amazing books would not only be a personal benefit, it would also benefit the community I work in where I would be sharing the knowledge gleaned from these books. I would also share these books in our clinician library that we are piecing together so that the knowledge is as widely shared as possible.

  • safiya issufo says:

    These lovely works of art would aid in my already blessed fight in/of life. I recently found gems such as “women who run with the wolves” via sounds true and since then have been plugged into your podcasts and absorbed every gem of knowledge and experience I could possible receive from your platform. Having just overcome homelessness and dejection from an overculture I am just finding my roots within myself internally, and new home externally. I have found my art and priceless wisdoms to keep me afloat whilst I struggle everyday in fight with my chronic illness in a new life and new identity. I am independent but truly depend on the works of doctors/writers/people of experience on your show/site and many like yours. On weeks of disparity and healing I find hope in these works and would love nothing more then to growl with those gifts and one day be well enough to give back in writing art and therapy myself. Thank you.

  • Dusanka Woods says:

    I have a grandaughter who is searching to find who she is in this very difficult and confusing culture. She is reaching out and asking question and trying to come out of the fog of medications doctors put her on for depression. It’s heart breaking to see how the medical system has taken over this young women’s life and convinced her that there is a medication for every feeling she is experiencing. I, as a grandmother am very upset that she is on so many medications and now in search of identity she thinks she is a boy. Of course her therapist is willing to prescribe testesteron without making sure that it’s a right path for her. I am hopeful thay she will find herself because she is reaching out and asking good question about meaning of life, looking through my books and even willing to go to our sangha at our Buddhist Center here in Philadelphia. I think the books would be great for her to start her on her own path of healing.
    Thank you very much

    P.S. We the family do not comment and contrdict her doctors recomendation understanding thay it would be more confusing and damiging to her.

  • Margaret Anne Doak says:

    These books would help me deal with my 98 year old mother who has spent her years critizing me. It is more vile than ever as she blames me for everything in her life [she lives in a nice retirement home] & perfers to be the ‘victim’. I don’t want to end her life full of resentment & pain which are bubbling under the surface & eating away at me so need some skills to provide comfort in her last few years

  • Sandra says:

    I Am a 65 years young,self-help guru and spiritual student on the awakening journey. I suffered severe agoraphobia for fifteen years,early in my marriage, while being a devoted mother of Three. I was totally incapacitated and felt like a prisoner in my own home. Dan Milmans book The Peaceful Warrior was one of my many treasured books that helped me on my healing journey. I have been an avid fan of sounds true and their multitude of programs and authors for years. Through sounds true and other self help programs on mindfulness and meditation I fought my way to where I am today. A healthy young senior who thinks of herself as the Peaceful Warrior, ready to be in service as a light worker to all I meet. Having this package in my toolkit would help facilitate this intention! Namaste

  • Barbara Tobin says:

    I accept myself where I am and am open to embrace growth. The titles are all appealing, especially the Dan Millman. I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for this offer.

  • Angie Kopshy says:

    I realized early on that the more you learn, the more you realize you have to learn. It took me much longer to realize that this endeavor is a beautiful, lifelong journey. Dan Millman’s first book actually played a big role in that shift and I’m a huge, grateful fan. My significant other came from this mentality of, “That’s just the way I am and you need to accept it,” and although it took years, we finally deciphered the difference between trying to change one another versus learning and growing, both individually, and as a couple. We recently made a commitment to one another with this fresh belief in growing for the rest of our lives on behalf of ourselves, our family, and our tribe. These books would be a fantastic way to start this journey.

  • Sarah Johnson says:

    I would love to win as they all sound very interesting and enlightening especially It’s ok that you’re not ok. I’ve struggled with various things all my life but the last 4 years have been and still are the worst in terms of intensity and closeness in time, since losing the 3 closest people to me one after the other, my stepdad who raised me, my marriage of 20 years since age 21 then to top it all off my Mum out of the blue. She was always my closest parent. Still struggling to deal with her estate and even though sometimes I know its not true, I often feel like I am never going to get over and through all this. It still affects me every day and every day is a struggle. I dont feel like I am over any of the 3 losses. I am hard on myself and dont love and accept and care for myself the way I should and none of this helps in the situation either. The title grabbed me for all those reasons. I know people have and are going through much worse things in this world and so theres still much to be grateful for but that doesnt stop the pain and struggle at times.

  • Audrey Walker says:

    Finding joy listening to inspiring lessons as I drive around town and in my commute. It’s okay not to be okay is on my tbr list and raising resilience sounds promising as well. Thanks for this opportunity!

  • Patricia Casey says:

    I am very interested in self help books. I have gone through a lot of trauma in my lifetime and would love to add these to my library.

  • Mary Musso says:

    I would love to win these books as I am at a Crossroads in my life. After losing my 29 year old daughter last year I just don’t know how to find peace and really live life.!! I feel like I am faking it. I’m scared of letting my grief come to the surface….it’s just too painful. I believe all three books would help me. Thank you for the opportunity. Mary Musso

  • As a seeker I am always looking for more quality works to add to my ever-expanding library. The audiobook would be a welcome addition for my work commute.

  • E says:

    I would love to read all of these books (the Millman ones again!) but I would particularly like to read the one about grief. My best friend lost his daughter just before her 13th birthday, and he and his wife are still struggling, 16 months later. I’d like to read it for myself, and to pass it on to them.

  • Cynthia says:

    I would love to win these new books to help me with self development. I am at a stage in my life that it would truly help and not only me but loved ones. Because if I better myself, my loved ones better themselves to. It’s a pay it forward thing. I would share it with others. I would make the books come to not only life but frutation.

  • stacey says:

    Thank you all so much for your heart felt entries! We love you! Please stay tuned for November’s giveaway!

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