• Insights At The Edge

    Tami Simon’s in-depth audio podcast interviews with leading spiritual teachers and luminaries. Listen in as they explore their latest challenges and breakthroughs - the leading edge of their work.

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Meet Your Host: Tami Simon

Founded Sounds True in 1985 as a multimedia publishing house with a mission to disseminate spiritual wisdom. She hosts a popular weekly podcast called Insights at the Edge, where she has interviewed many of today's leading teachers. Tami lives with her wife, Julie M. Kramer, and their two spoodles, Rasberry and Bula, in Boulder, Colorado.

Photo © Jason Elias

Most Recent


Jeff Karp, PhD: LIT: Resensitizing Our Aliveness

The natural world has provided inspiration to poets, artists, and creatives of every ilk. And that includes inventors and innovators like Dr. Jeff Karp. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with the renowned biomedical engineer and founder of The Karp Lab about his new book, LIT (Life Ignition Tools): Use Nature’s Playbook to Energize Your Brain, Spark Ideas, and Ignite Action, and how you yourself can turn to the natural world as an ally for problem-solving, unexpected insight, and profound transformation on a daily basis.

Enjoy this incredibly inspiring conversation exploring: The work of the “bioinspirationalist”; how sandcastle worms inspired a new approach to vascular reconstruction in humans; the LIT state and how we can open ourselves up to limitless possibilities in any situation; the pendulum swing between “dull moments” and the times we are totally lit up; the life force within everything; the importance of changing up our routines; LEB (low energy brain); the “press pause” tool of LIT; working with intention; elevating your baseline feeling of wellness and fulfillment; viewing the world through the lens of energy transfer; how we are all contributing to evolution; the practice of cycling through your senses; appreciating our interconnectedness; creating space; aligning your thoughts and actions with your core values; turning negatives into positives; finding rituals and practices to enter into the LIT state; mining the treasures of neurodiversity; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at join.soundstrue.com.

Tammy Mastroberte: Asking for Higher Help

The universe has a dream for you. Are you ready to become its partner on the path toward your highest good? In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Tammy Mastroberte about her new book, The Higher Help Method: Stop Trying to Manifest and Let the Universe Guide You. Here, Tami and Tammy discuss how to work with the benevolent figures and supporting energies that you can call upon in any time of need.

Give a listen to this exciting, perspective-opening podcast exploring: working with mediums; the “assign a sign” exercise; “Please bring me what I want” vs. “Please show me where I need to go”; the benefits of putting the universe in the driver’s seat; divine timing and the obstacle of impatience; overcoming skepticism and proving it to yourself; trust, surrender, and “certainty in the uncertainty”; clarifying your intentions; a simple five-step prayer for help; staying in the present moment; the mantra “All is well, I am safe”; taking action; using the Higher Help Method at this junction in human evolution; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at join.soundstrue.com.

Nanci Danison: Messages from Deep Afterlife Experience

Spiritual teacher and former attorney Nanci Danison has a truly amazing story. When she was 43 years old and a highly successful lawyer in health care, she had the first of a remarkable series of beyond-death experiences that completely altered her understanding of herself and her relationship with the divine. In her popular Backwards book series, Nanci writes about the empowering insights and lessons she learned through these fascinating events. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with the intriguing author and “messenger” about the wisdom she has been called to share at this time on Earth.

Settle in for a mind-blowing conversation on past-life memories and the nature of perception in realms beyond the physical, the phenomenon of the afterlife life review, a new perspective on what we call “Source,” unconditional love and unconditional acceptance, our dual nature as physical and non-physical beings, the Third Epoch of our planet and the evolution of humanity, the findings of NDE (near-death experience) research, our eternal friends in the non-physical dimension, the choices and commitments our souls make prior to human incarnation, and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at join.soundstrue.com.

Customer Favorites

James Hollis: The Goal of Life Is Meaning, Not Happine...

Dr. James Hollis is a Jungian analyst, a former executive director of the Jung Society of Washington, DC, and a professor of Jungian studies for Saybrook University of San Francisco/Houston. He is the author of 16 books including Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life, Living an Examined Life, and, most recently, Living Between Worlds. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Hollis about his latest work and the increasing sense of importance for many people around living more meaningful lives. They also discuss how to find resilience during difficult times, how our souls let us know when we’re not on the right path, the difference between “meaning” and “purpose,” and more.

Deb Dana: Befriending Your Nervous System

How well do you know your nervous system? Deb Dana is a clinician and consultant specializing in complex trauma, and is the coordinator of the Kinsey Institute Traumatic Stress Research Consortium. Her work at the Kinsey Institute is focused on using the lens of Polyvagal Theory to understand and resolve the impact of trauma, and create approaches that honor the role of the autonomic nervous system. With Sounds True, Deb has created a new audio program called Befriending Your Nervous System: Looking Through the Lens of Polyvagal Theory. In this podcast, Deb offers an introduction to the human nervous system, how Polyvagal Theory informs our understanding of the nervous system, how to manage the state known as “dysregulation,” and more.

Sarah Blondin: Kneeling at the Doorway of Your Heart

Sarah Blondin is an author and spiritual teacher whose guided meditations have been enjoyed by thousands of people around the globe. She is also the founder, writer, videographer, and creator of the podcast Live Awake. In this week’s podcast, Tami Simon and Sarah discuss her new book, Heart Minded: How to Hold Yourself and Others in Love. Their conversation explores the profound shift from living “above the neck” to fully inhabiting our hearts, how we can transmute suffering and discomfort with the energy of our hearts, connecting to our inherent wisdom and compassion, and much more. 

Timeless Classics

Lance Allred: The New Alpha Male

Lance Allred is a former NBA player (who was the first legally deaf player in the league), public speaker, and author. With Sounds True, he has published The New Alpha Male: How to Win the Game When the Rules Are Changing. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with Lance about the experiences he had in professional sports that led him to reevaluate what it means to be a man in contemporary society. Lance explains how his upbringing in a rural, polygamous commune informed his original ideas about masculinity, highlighting the subconscious assumptions about money and power that affect American men’s self-worth. Tami and Lance also discuss the roles of emotional vulnerability and surrender in the lives of modern men. Finally, they talk about the principle of perseverance and the increasingly urgent need for all cultures to reexamine their assumptions and core values.(63 minutes)

Micah Mortali: Rewilding

Micah Mortali is the director of the Kripalu School, a certified yoga teacher, and a longtime wilderness guide. With Sounds True, he has published Rewilding: Meditations, Practices, and Skills for Awakening in Nature. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with Micah about humanity’s growing disconnection from the earth and how “rewilding” can help slow that trend. They talk about rewilding both as individuals and as part of whole ecosystems. Micah also shares the story of an intense, revelatory trail encounter with a bear and comments on the “species loneliness” of urban environments. Mulling the sense of grief they have for humankind’s effects on the environment, Tami and Micah consider how modern people can grapple with being in exile from the natural world. Finally, they discuss the barriers many have to reentering nature, as well as ways to initiate your own rewilding experience no matter where you are.(64 minutes)

Christian Conte: Healing Conflict: Listen, Validate, a...

Christian Conte, PhD, is a mental health specialist and leading authority on anger management. With Sounds True, Christian has published Walking Through Anger: A New Design for Confronting Conflict in an Emotionally Charged World. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon talks with Christian about his Yield Theory of emotional management, focusing on the process of “listen, validate, explore options.” Christian explains the events that led to his interest in anger management, as well as the origins of Yield Theory. He emphasizes the importance of meeting others where they are, giving them the opportunity to drain anger’s charge from their limbic system. Christian and Tami discuss why it’s necessary to cultivate humility and how Yield Theory might be applied to our currently divisive culture. Finally, they speak on “the cartoon world” that angry responses often create, as well as the importance of watching what we add to our minds.(63 minutes)
