Search Results for: tami simon – Page 81

Kevin Griffin: Not Too Unhappy

Kevin Griffin is one of the leading lights of the mindful recovery movement, which applies Buddhist concepts of compassion and mindfulness to the journey out of addiction. A longtime meditator, teacher, and Twelve-Step participant, Kevin is the cofounder of the Buddhist Recovery Network. With Sounds True, Kevin has published the book Recovering Joy: A Mindful Life After Addiction, and the audio programs Recovery One Breath at a Time and One Breath, Twelve Steps: A Buddhist Path to Recovery from Addiction. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Kevin discuss the challenge of embracing joy after recovering from addiction. They also talk about the connections between Buddhist meditation and the Twelve Steps, as well as the importance of showing up for life’s events after addiction. Finally, Kevin and Tami speak on the changing relationship to happiness during and after the recovery process. (64 minutes)

Welcome to the Human Race

Parker J. Palmer is a writer, speaker, and activist who is world-renowned for his many insightful books, including Let Your Life Speak and Healing the Heart of Democracy. With Sounds True, he has most recently contributed to the anthology Darkness Before Dawn: Redefining the Journey Through Depression. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Parker discuss his own passages through clinical depression and the meaning he derived from them. They also speak on the modern cultural taboo surrounding depression, and how depression is actually an innate part of the life journey. Finally, Parker and Tami talk about how depression can act as “a befriending force pushing you down onto safe ground”—an agent that can help course-correct a life lived “at altitude.” (86 minutes)

Choosing to Live Well with Pain and Illness

Vidyamala Burch has lived with chronic back pain as a result of a car accident, multiple surgeries, and congenital spine weakness for more than 30 years. Searching for a way to cope with her situation, she started practicing mindfulness meditation to help accept and move beyond the pain. She is cofounder of the Breathworks organization in the United Kingdom, where she teaches mindfulness-based approaches to living with physical pain and illness. She is also author of the Sounds True book Living Well with Pain and Illness. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Vidyamala speak about what it means to turn toward pain and soften to it. They also discuss the great value in learning to live one moment at a time. (57 minutes)

Unbinding the Heart

Agapi Stassinopoulos is an author, blogger, and motivational speaker who conducts seminars worldwide on embracing one’s natural gifts. With Sounds True, she has released the audio version of her book Unbinding the Heart: A Dose of Greek Wisdom, Generosity, and Unconditional Love, enhanced with new guided meditations. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Agapi and Tami Simon speak on how disappointment can be an important teacher and how each of us needs to define success for ourselves. They also talk about lessons Agapi learned from her mother—including potent slogans she shared with her daughters. Finally, Tami and Agapi address the expectations of young women just starting their careers and how contributing to the lives of others may be the true path to freeing our hearts. (63 minutes)

Numinous Experience

Lionel Corbett is a professor of depth psychology at the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. Drawing from the works of C.G. Jung, Lionel focuses on the integration of psychology and spirituality into a seamless whole. With Sounds True, Lionel has published the audio series Spirituality Beyond Religion: The Direct Experience of the Sacred. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Lionel and Tami Simon talk about numinous experiences and what they say about humanity’s innate need for a connection to the spiritual. They also speak on the role of suffering in our lives and how it can be seen as a call to move toward our respective destinies. Finally, Tami and Lionel discuss faith as a kind of inner knowing, as well as the importance of visionary experiences. (53 minutes)

The gifts of ALL emotions—including depression

Karla McLaren is an award-winning author, social science researcher, and educator whose empathic approach to emotions informs her studies of sociology, anthropology, neurology, and cognitive psychology. With Sounds True, Karla has most recently contributed to the anthology Darkness Before Dawn: Redefining the Journey Through Depression. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Karla and Tami Simon discuss depression as an essential human emotion—one that may carry important messages about what’s no longer working for you. They also talk about the questions you can ask of your emotions to determine their cause and the course of action they are asking you to take. Finally, Tami and Karla speak on the necessity of understanding and embracing the full range of human emotions—even those you deem unpleasant—in order to live a fuller, healthier life. (58 minutes)
