Search Results for: tami simon – Page 11

Katie Horwitch: Reimagining Being Positive and Fearles...

Shifting out of negative self-talk isn’t easy. Sugar-coating, “sending love and light,” faking-it-till-we-make-it, and other forms of false positivity can do more harm than good. In her book, Want Your Self: Shift Your Self-Talk and Unearth the Strength in Who You Were All Along, activist and mindset coach Katie Horwitch brings readers a practical guide for becoming fluent in an inner language for loving who you are while growing into the person you were meant to become. 

In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Horwitch about her empowering approach to living with greater self-acceptance, integrity, and authenticity, discussing confidence versus vanity; fitting in versus belonging; the risks of positive thinking; getting to the core of the Self; proactive positivity; how shifting self-talk leads to cultural, systemic transformation; focusing on priorities, cultivating trust and other tools to stop negative feedback loops; the practice of using anchor words; the fear versus faith exercise; being your true self “out loud”; integrity as the alignment of your intention and your impact; stepping up to the plate of our life; and more.

Thomas Hübl: Alchemizing Individual, Ancestral, and C...

Visionary teacher Thomas Hübl is leading the way toward a new era of trauma healing on the individual, ancestral, and collective levels. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Hübl about his new book, Attuned: Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma—and Our World, and his unique synthesis of mysticism, science, and the world’s wisdom traditions. 

Give a listen to this deeply inspiring, deep-end conversation exploring: Presence and the alchemy of the past in the now; the concept of relational coherence; post-traumatic learning; avoiding presence as a way to protect oneself; attunement versus numbness; our interconnected nervous systems; ethical development; privilege and responsibility; increasing our ability to remain grounded; the power of feeling met; global witnessing groups; bringing love to the edge of a conscious universe; the three-sync process for becoming more aware of your body, emotions, and mind; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at

Jamie Della: Crafting a Wise and Magickal Life

Mystery and misunderstanding surround the practice of magick and witchcraft. In the decades since she chose to publicly “come out of the broom closet,” author, priestess, healer, and Xicana witch Jamie Della has made it her mission to help others activate their divine intuition and creativity. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Jamie about her new book, A Box of Magick, written to give readers both her personal mentorship and that of her own mentor, the late Elder Wiccan High Priestess Connie DeMasters. 

Tune in for a perspective-shifting conversation about: The philosophy and lifestyle known as witchcraft; animism and our interconnection with all things; why you are always your own best teacher; “the nameless art;” Wicca as the practice of shaping energy; the four steps of ethical spellcasting; keeping the faith; answering a call of the wild within; shadow work and healing our parental relationships; bringing in ritual elements to support transformation; using magick for intergenerational healing; invoking a mentor; a guided blessing for grounding and stability at this time; and more.

Spring Washam: Partnering with Ancestors for Support a...

Our collective human family faces unprecedented challenges—but we need not face them alone. We can call on the living spirit of our ancestors to collaborate on the creation of a more just and peaceful world. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with meditation teacher and author Spring Washam about her book The Spirit of Harriet Tubman and the opportunity at this time for us to rediscover our connection to our sacred and always supportive lineages. 

Give a listen as Tami and Spring discuss: Meditation and dropping into “observation mode;” partnering with an ancestral presence; creating your ancestral shrine; fortification and empowerment from the unseen world; receiving a transmission of courage and strength to do what seems impossible; prophetic vision; surrendering to the hard work we’re called to do; compassion, empathy, and the fierce heart; reconciling the heartbreak in our history; healing trauma; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at

Megan Devine: Acknowledging Our Grief and Carrying Wha...

When we suffer a serious loss, we come face-to-face with the fragile nature of this world. Yet in today’s culture, we often try to avoid or deny the deep emotions associated with losing the people and things we love. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with therapist and grief consultant Megan Devine about her uniquely helpful books with Sounds True, It’s OK That You’re Not OK and How to Carry What Can’t Be Fixed

Tune in for a much-needed conversation on the best ways to tend one another’s pain during periods of loss, as Tami and Megan discuss: the cover-up narrative that “bad things help us grow”; the roots of today’s grief phobia; pain vs suffering; grief without a story; the healing power of acknowledgment; tolerating feelings of helplessness; the impulse to fix things; the weaponization of acceptance; time and the notion of complicated grief; the dangers of pathologizing grief; the lost opportunity to reframe grief during the pandemic; naming the awkward instead of silencing yourself; offering concrete assistance rather than an open offer to help; three kinds of hope: transactional, functional, and inhabitable; speaking our truth and allowing others the same; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at

Matt Gutman: Conquering a Lifetime of Panic Attacks

28% of Americans will experience a panic attack in their lifetime. Some researchers say that number is closer to 50%. Renowned ABC News correspondent, Matt Gutman, never felt afraid when assigned to active and dangerous war zones. Yet when he had to speak on live television in front of a viewership of 9 million people, the seemingly unflappable reporter suffered intense panic attacks that nearly cost him his job. To help anyone whose life has been impacted by this often misunderstood mental health challenge, Gutman shares his personal journey in No Time to Panic

In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Gutman about the book and the hard-won insights he brings his readers, exploring: The importance of destigmatizing panic attack disorder; conventional and alternative healing modalities; “retiring the drill sergeant” (aka managing the inner critic); excavating unresolved grief; how panic disorder can metastasize into other psychological issues; physical threats vs. social threats (and how we tolerate them); the evolutionary purpose of anxiety; how vulnerability is often the first step toward healing; the paradox of welcoming your panic; psychedelics and ego transcendence; the power of mindfulness and meditation; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at
