Search Results for: Kristin Leal

MetaAnatomy: The Study and Wonder of You

Kristin Leal is a yoga teacher and a sadhaka in the ISHTA lineage, as well as a licensed massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, and author. Her popular MetaAnatomy workshops, classes, and online trainings blend serious scientific knowledge, a sense of humor, and a deep connection to the divine within us all. With Sounds True, Kristin has written MetaAnatomy: A Modern Yogi’s Practical Guide to the Physical and Energetic Anatomy of Your Amazing Body. In the book, she helps readers develop a new level of body literacy―a deep and vital relationship with the physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of your being. In this podcast, Kristin guides Tami Simon and listeners into the world of wonder that is the human body, as she unpacks elements of our anatomy on physical and poetic levels. Kristin also guides listeners through three fascinating practices, where you’ll learn to experience and regulate your subtle anatomy in profound ways.
