Search Results for: Michael Singer – Page 2

S3 New Year’s Bonus: Every Day Gets Lighter When...

What do you plan to do with your “next lap around our star”?

Nearly everyone, Michael Singer observes, will do the same thing they do every other year of their lives: try to get what they want and avoid what they don’t want. And they’ll be just as unhappy.

Why do we do this? Can’t we liberate ourselves from this no-win situation? Here, Michael shines an optimistic light on the New Year.

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© Sounds True Inc. Episodes: © 2024 Michael A. Singer. All Rights Reserved.

S3 E5: Experiencing Love and Joy Instead of Fear and D...

“When your personal self isn’t taking over,” teaches Michael Singer, “your heart is full and your mind is clear.” So what stops this from happening? Our fears and our desires.

In this episode, Michael shows us how to replace the never-ending pursuit of what you think will make you OK with that which will actually fill you with unconditional love and joy.

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© Sounds True Inc. Episodes: © 2024 Michael A. Singer. All Rights Reserved.

S3 E4: Releasing the Burden of Worry

Why do we find ourselves worrying all the time? 

According to Michael Singer, it often comes down to the desperate request our hearts have made to the thinking mind:

“Protect us from bad events by dreaming up every scary possibility—then warn us about them all… constantly!” 

In this session, Michael shows us how to transform worry into inner freedom.

For more information, go to
© Sounds True Inc. Episodes: © 2024 Michael A. Singer. All Rights Reserved.

S3 E3: Navigating the Ocean of Life

Like a boat sailing on the sea, there are two significant forces guiding our journey through life: the natural forces all around us and the practical skills needed to reach our destinations. Here, Michael Singer explores the essentials for making our way on the spiritual path.

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© Sounds True Inc. Episodes: © 2024 Michael A. Singer. All Rights Reserved.

S3 E2: Letting Go of Reactive Energies

There’s nothing even remotely spiritual about going through life reacting to events. In this episode, Michael Singer explores how to become aware of our emotional reactions, navigate the energies that drive them, and learn to respond to triggering events with greater consciousness.

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© Sounds True Inc. Episodes: © 2024 Michael A. Singer. All Rights Reserved.

S3 E1: Your Highest Technique – Relaxing Behind Your...

In this season opener, Michael Singer guides us into the understanding and practice of what he calls “the highest technique,” that of relaxing in the midst of your resistance to life’s events—and then fully experiencing the present moment.

For more information, go to
© Sounds True Inc. Episodes: © 2024 Michael A. Singer. All Rights Reserved.
